One of the things that I love the most about photographing people is getting to know them. Building a rapport and genuinely getting to know who they are. And there are some pretty wonderful people around here.
I had the honor of photographing one such person from one such family. Even though I’m an adult, I was seriously considering asking them to adopt me. The family is very down-to-earth and radiates warmth and genuineness. They are the kind of people who just jump in and help out if they see it’s needed. In the spotlight today is Gerald Sovie, the first of five children to reach the milestone of high school graduation. Gerald will be graduating from the Ogdensburg Free Academy with the class of 2019.
How to describe Gerald…. He says that his friends would say that he is funny. Check. As someone who doesn’t know him too well, I can say that over the course of our sessions, this is one funny dude. They say that if you love what you do for work, that you will never work a day in your life. Well, these sessions were a breeze because between he and his family there was a lot of laughter and a lot of easiness.
Gerald’s friends would also say that he is honest and kind. And that is apparent. One of the things that he has done is to help coach Nerf football for 5 and 6 year olds. He is honest because he likens it to trying to hoard or round up a bunch of “cats and puppies” (honest and kind). Why is this honest and kind? Because he didn’t say “pitbulls and tigers” like I might have….. He also thinks it’s pretty cool being called “Coach Sovie” (also honest).
Coach Sovie
His family also describes him as being caring. This is accurate. He was describing in detail some pretty rough things that he encounters at his job but he has such a positive attitude about those things that it is easy to see that he cares; not just about the place he works at, but about the customers that frequent it.
When Gerald is not out riding around with his buddies, he also likes to hang out at Phillips Diner. When I was in my youth and my parents were in theirs, there was always a favorite diner or place to hang out and grab a bite. For Gerald, it’s Phillip’s. Although I never asked him what he likes to order there, I have a feeling that it’s not just about the food as it is about the atmosphere.
One of Gerald’s favorite pastime and hobby also happens to provide him with job experience and income. He works at one of the busiest social hubs around; Ogdensburg Bowl.
Ogdensburg Bowl would like it if you would join a league!
Gerald’s favorite lanes are 3 and 4. He has some really impressive scores! His high game is a 260 and averages around a 160. Not too shabby!!
Yes, this was a strike!
And so was this one!
Have you ever wondered what it looks like behind the “curtains?” That area that is off-limits except to a select few. Not many know this, but I practically grew up in a bowling alley. I have been in the pits before and have seen things ….. seen things that have become what I would come to expect to see … in a pit. This place does not disappoint, but hey …. I am not going to reveal those secrets. Below is a glimpse of a part of the pit. What lies behind the curtain is SUPPOSED to remain mysterious. And so it shall be.
Gerald sits atop the machines in the “pit.” Danger lurks around every turn.
Gerald isn’t just passionate about bowling or Phillips diner. He is also quite musical. He is a member of the OFA Blue Devils Marching Band and jazz band. In the past he has played concert band. What does he play? He plays the low brass; trombone and sousaphone. He had a wonderful opportunity to play a trombone duet with his band teacher at the concert.
Sorry my mind was thinking of dueling trombones for a second….
Yet alas….. this is still not his true passion. Mr. Gerald Sovie has a secret love. Well, it may not be so secret, and if it was, it’s not anymore.
Gerald Sovie has a passion for guitars. This isn’t like your typical person who just says they like guitars and may have one lying around somewhere, this guy actually cannot imagine his life without them. That’s not all …. HE COMPOSES HIS OWN MUSIC AND SONGS!
He has one very special guitar that was handmade by his uncle.
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Although he hated this hat with a passion. I’m putting it in here because I DID leave it out of his book. I think it looks awesome. Again, he is not a fan. Forgive me Sovie’s….Forgive me.
Isn’t this the greatest hat EVER?
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Click the picture below to advance to the next image. When you’re done advancing, then scroll down!
Oh snap!! I totally forgot to keep going on about how awesome this kid is! Well, since a picture is worth a thousand words, I have like a million that have already been said. So I will end with a few more words.
Gerald Sovie cannot wait to graduate and start working in building trades. He loves being on the verge of independence. If he were a character in Scooby Doo, he would be a Shaggy! He loves his chin beard, flannels and boots, and fishing! This laid-back, casual guy could be the next big thing this town has ever seen!
I know it seems like I posted every shot from this session, however, there are a few selected “outtakes” that I am withholding for a very special reason.
Thank you Sovie’s for choosing me to meet your senior’s needs. It’s been a wonderful experience working with you. I know in the beginning I said something about you adopting me. That’s ridiculous, right? crickets Hello???